The DeNovix Community

Connect with DeNovix

Here, you will find ways to engage with the DeNovix global community.

Exploring our product reviews, academic publications that reference our instruments, and our collection of technical notes demonstrates the wide range of disciplines we serve. Our social media accounts are designed to provide product and company updates, share relevant articles and information, and connect with our community of scientists.

800+ Five Star Reviews

125+ Technical Notes

8,000+ Citations

Product Reviews

SelectScience and Biocompare provide scientists with a venue for posting impartial reviews of research instrumentation.

Leave us a review using the links below! As a thank you, we’ll send you a DeNovix t-shirt or a similar gift.

We also invite you to leave us a rating on Google. Tell us about your experience with DeNovix!

Win a $100 Amazon Gift Card!

Post on Social Media for a Chance to Win

We love when our customers share about our products! Tag us (@denovix) when you post a photo of your instrument on social media, and you’ll be entered in a quarterly drawing for an Amazon Gift Card.

  • Post a photo of your instrument on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or X
  • Tag us – @denovix
  • Must be following our account to be entered in the drawing

One winner will be selected at random each quarter (starting in January 2024) to receive a $100 Amazon Gift Card or equivalent currency. The winner may also accept a DeNovix product of the same value. Winner must agree for their photo to be used in DeNovix social media and marketing materials.

Research Spotlights

Celebrating scientists & labs that use DeNovix products

Our Research Spotlights highlight DeNovix customers who are doing great things in the world of science and research. These features, posted on our social media accounts, include a short introduction to the scientist or laboratory being spotlighted and a link to their research. If you have used a DeNovix instrument in your research and are interested in being featured, please contact us!