WILMINGTON, DE – August 14th, 2024 – DeNovix announces a revolutionary new Hepatocytes counting application for the CellDrop Automated Cell Counter.
Hepatocytes are widely used in toxicity and drug metabolism testing (ADME / DPMK) and infectious disease research. Due to their size, morphology and complexity, there has previously not been a reliable automated solution for counting and assessing the viability of these cells.
Using advanced machine-learning techniques, DeNovix scientists developed an automated software algorithm for the CellDrop to deliver simple, reliable hepatocyte counts. The algorithm uses brightfield and dual channel fluorescence to count live & dead hepatocytes as well as identify lymphocytes, free nuclei, and debris objects within a sample.
“The CellDrop Hepatocyte app streamlines the process of counting hepatocytes for our customers and produces robust, reproducible data,” said Dan Schieffer, Scientific Director of DeNovix and lead on the app’s development. “Our scientists optimized the algorithm using thousands of samples from a variety of origins, ensuring compatibility with the widest range of source material.”
“There’s been a lot of really positive feedback from beta users, and we’re excited to continue seeing how the app makes a difference in these workflows.”
To review technical information about the Hepatocyte app, including reproducibility data, see Technical Note 228 on denovix.com
The Hepatocytes app is available on the new DeNovix CellDrop FLi Brightfield / Dual Fluorescence Automated Cell Counter. DeNovix offers a Free Trial program which allows users to evaluate the Hepatocyte application in their lab for a week at no cost.
About DeNovix CellDrop Cell Counters
The CellDrop Automated Cell Counter is a dual fluorescence and brightfield instrument that features DirectPipette™ technology. This unique sample loading method eliminates the need for disposable slides, therefore reducing the plastic waste and ongoing costs associated with routine cell counting.
Systems include a high definition 7 inch touchscreen for live preview and instant review of results. Pre-installed EasyApps™ software includes applications for primary cells, tissue culture, nuclei, hepatocytes, fixed samples, GFP and user-customized methods. The software delivers rapid cell counts, viability reports and transfection efficiency assays. All instruments feature Wi-Fi, USB and Ethernet connectivity, allowing users to easily export data via email, network drives, network printers or USB drive. CellDrop Automated Cell Counters are available in brightfield only or dual fluorescence with brightfield models.
About DeNovix
DeNovix Inc., founded in 2012, is a multi-award winning instrumentation company based in Wilmington, DE, USA that develops, manufactures and sells laboratory equipment to meet the demands of today’s evolving life science research. The company’s products include stand-alone UV-Vis spectrophotometers, fluorometers and integrated spectrophotometer / fluorometer instruments, cell counters and assays.