DeNovix announces a revolutionary new Hepatocytes counting application for the CellDrop Automated Cell Counter.
DeNovix announces the release of the CellDrop FLi Automated Cell Counter, including enhanced hardware for improved performance and six new applications.
To celebrate Earth Day, here’s a look at how we’re putting sustainability in action at DeNovix. Learn more about our sustainable products and company culture.
This technical note demonstrates Erythrosin B as an alternative to Trypan Blue as a cell viability stain using the DeNovix CellDrop.
The DeNovix CellDrop becomes the first automated cell counter to receive an ACT® Environmental Impact Factor Label from My Green Lab®.
DeNovix Inc. announces Green CellDrop™ giveaway to celebrate the instrument’s new Sustainable Laboratory Product of the Year.
The DeNovix CellDrop™ Automated Cell Counter has been awarded Sustainable Laboratory Product of the Year in the SelectScience® Scientists’ Choice Awards®.