Automated Hepatocyte Counting
Using machine learning, DeNovix scientists developed a unique algorithm for the CellDrop Automated Cell Counter to deliver rapid and reliable hepatocyte counts. Learn more about the Hepatocytes app in this collection of resources.
Quick and Simple
Accurate Analysis
Comprehensive Data Analysis
Additional Features
- No Disposable Slides Required
- Automated and Manual Size Gating
- Autofocus
- Dilution Calculator
- Auto-Saved Data
- LIMS Compatible Exporting
Automated Hepatocyte Counting: Live Demo
Want to see how the CellDrop achieves reliable automated hepatocyte counts? Watch the video below for an introduction to the live preview and count data available on the CellDrop Automated Cell Counter Hepatocytes app.
Learn More: Additional Hepatocyte Resources
Count Cells Without Slides: DirectPipette™ Technology
The CellDrop Automated Cell Counter’s patented design replaces hemocytometers and plastic slides with an innovative wipe clean, variable height chamber.
Load Cell Suspension into Sample Chamber
Count, Analyze & Wipe Clean in Seconds

- Fast, reliable workflow
- Use as little as 2.5 µL of sample
- Two permanent, optical grade sapphire surfaces
- Sample is held in place by surface tension
- Three software-selectable chamber heights enable:
- Widest dynamic range: 7 x 102 – 2.5 x 107 cells/mL
- Cell size range: 4 – 400 µm
Slide Mode
Single-Use Plastic Slides: for hazardous samples or workflows that require sample containment
Reusable Slides: environmentally-friendly alternative to plastic slides when sample containment is required