Automated Hepatocyte Counting: New Technology for Simple, Reliable Counts
DeNovix scientists developed a proprietary software algorithm for the CellDrop Automated Cell Counter to deliver simple, reliable hepatocyte counts. In this webinar, DeNovix Scientific Director Dan Schieffer demonstrates the new functionality and performance of the Hepatocyte app.
The Session Includes:
- An introduction of the machine learning techniques developed to automate counting of Hepatocytes
- Live demo of hepatocyte counts on the CellDrop Automated Cell Counter
- Q&A session with DeNovix Application Scientists
Webinar Q&A
View questions from the webinar session answered by our team of application scientists.

CellDrop Automated Cell Counter
Count Cells Without Slides and standardize your cell counts. Learn more about the new CellDrop Hepatocytes app in Technical Note 228.