Technical Note 213

CellDrop™ Software Update Guide


The CellDrop Series Cell Counters use a custom operating system that may be updated by the user. The software team at DeNovix regularly adds features to make operation of the device even more user friendly or to address feature requests from current users. Software updates can be installed in a variety of flexible ways. The goal of this document is to explain how to perform updates on your CellDrop.

Updater App

The Updater App is used to install all updates to the CellDrop operating system and software controlling the apps. A USB drive or a web connection can be used to download/install the new software.  A link for USB updates and a summary for each release is located on the » CellDrop Software Page.

The CellDrop does not prompt users to update when a new update becomes available. If the device is connected to the internet opening the Updater App will allow the app to check for available updates. If the device is not connected to the internet, it is recommended to regularly check the DeNovix website for new software releases. Updates are not automatically installed until the user initiates the process.

It is important to let updates complete without interruption. Removing the USB drive too early or disrupting the internet connection before the update has completed will cause the update to fail.

During the update the instrument may reboot one or more times during the process. There may also be delays while files are copied internally. This is expected.

WiFi/Ethernet Option

  1. Ensure the device is connected to a reliable WiFi network or ensure that the ethernet cable is plugged into the back of the device and that the connection is active.
  2. Open the Updater App and if an update is available, the Web button should be active. Click the button only once and wait for the update to download.
    Note: Some updates will require an OS update and are quite large. For these updates, an ethernet connection is recommended over WiFi to maximize the download speed of the update.
  3. The update will be installed and the system will restart when the update is complete.

USB/Flash Drive Option

  1. Download the newest linked software update from the Software Updates page on directly to a FAT32 formatted USB drive. Note 1: Do not unzip the downloaded file. Note 2: USB drives formatted as 'exFAT' will not work on CellDrop instruments shipped before Nov 1, 2021.
  2. Ensure that the name of the file matches the software version name on the website. Do not rename the file, because the CellDrop will not recognize it.
  3. Make certain that the newly downloaded file is the only CellDrop software version on the USB drive.
  4. Insert the USB drive into any CellDrop USB Port.
  5. Wait appx 5 seconds for the USB drive to mount and then Open the Updater App. The button for USB should appear to be active. Pressing this button will initiate the update.
  6. The update will be installed and the system will restart when the update is complete.

Important Notes

If a firmware update is required, it will automatically take place.

Linux OS Systems (Chrome logo during boot up) – When updating by USB for V2.0.3 or earlier, the first update installs an app update. Open Updater again to complete an OS update from the USB. This is not applicable for WiFi, Ethernet or USB updates for software V2.0.3 or later.

Additional Assistance

Contact DeNovix customer support for additional assistance. Outside of the US, contact your local distributor for support.
